Ongoing projects 2024
Title: 100KTREEs
Client: The European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (EUSPA)

The ambition of of the Horizon Europe project, 100KTREEs, is to make cities a better and healthier place to live by supporting and encouraging municipalities to plant more trees and to optimize the impact of tree planting. The team will support cities by mapping the existing trees and by showing a solid business case for planting new trees, as well as attracting third party sponsorship to make it happen.
NDConsult is actively supporting the WPs on User Requirements & Co-design, and monetary valorisation/business cases for planting trees, as well as leading the work on exploitation and business planning.

Title: Business review of EO downstream projects
Client: European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA)
Nina Costa is acting as business reviewer for the EC on the following H2020 project:
- NextOcean – Earth Observation services for Sustainable Fishing and Aquaculture (see nextocean.eu)
For more information:
Email: Nina.Costa@ndconsult.eu
Mobile: +39 347 223 1770